Another week gone and it’s only a week until Christmas. I’m excited to spend more time with my family (even if virtually) and honestly just for a break to our usual routine!
I have definitely been more stressed than usual because of little E’s health. I’m not going to go into detail, but I feel like it’s been on the downhill since early autumn, despite making a lot of changes, and I’m feeling guilty (although I know there’s not much I can do about his genes) and frustrated about it. It’s been challenging.
On a lighter note, I am nearly done holiday shopping. Just need a few edible items, which I always buy last minute, and a few giftcards to local restaurants. We’re leaning into local shopping this year since small businesses are struggling during the pandemic, and it feels good to be putting our money where our mouths are. Eric also stopped by the post office after dropping us at toddler class this morning and finally got our packages mailed to faraway family and friends!
I’m also starting to gain weight again which is good for baby and I! I’ve simply been replacing a couple of glasses of water with lactose-free whole milk during the day–especially in the mornings when I can’t seem to deal with food, it settles my stomach enough to eat a granola bar or a banana. Then I’m hungrier throughout the day too, when my metabolism starts up a bit earlier. Overall doing much better on that front.
Hard to believe it’s nearly time to schedule my last few appointments! (And pack a hospital bag which I have seriously been procrastinating on.)
Anyways, just a brief update as I’m off to make up the last part of my lunch and probably grab another glass of milk. I hope you enjoy your weekend and if you’re taking time off next week, a good start to your vacation!
xx Claire