Christmas is just around the corner, and I’m already thinking about gifts for the boys. We use the “want, read, wear, need” system: four gifts per child. Plus a few things in their stockings (including some healthy treats to eat). I’m keen on tech-free toys as I feel that nothing replaces hands-on play experience.
We don’t have too many toys as we don’t have a huge amount of storage space. Our collection has the open-ended basics: building toys, art supplies, and sensory toys. The two olders also have some toy trucks and dinosaurs, lots of stuffies, a unisex dollhouse, a play kitchen, puzzles, and various random things gifted by family through the years.
Next year my oldest will turn five, which means he’s really quite a little boy and not a toddler anymore. And that opens up a whole new world of toys, activities and experiences!
4-Year-Old Boy Tech-Free Gift Ideas
- LEGOs. Finally, child #1 has reached the LEGO age! (Eric might enjoy this gift more than anyone else :P)
- Real art supplies. The Creative Family Manifesto inspired me to use real, good art supplies with my kids–not just the lower-quality kids’ versions. They’re more enjoyable to use and inspire me to join in, too. Watercolor paints, oil pastels, and colored pencils are all good choices for this age.
- Building kits. Projects that take a little time and effort capture their attention. I’ve been looking at this bird feeder building kit from For Small Hands.
- “How stuff works” books. Little kids love nonfiction books that explain: how animals act, how the dinosaurs lived, how construction vehicles work. I’ve been eyeing this book about how houses are built and this one about the history of Christmas trees.
- Kitchen gear. Little e loves helping us in the kitchen, so this year we’re upgrading his kitchen tools to a kids’ knife set. There are lots of options on Amazon and at other stores.
- Costumes. This year I started a costume box and the boys love dressing up when they make believe. Great Pretenders, a brand carried by Maisonette, has high-quality costumes–but of course you can find dress-up stuff many places!
- Board games and more complex puzzles. Little e is into board games right now, which is fun for all of us! His favorites at the moment are Animal Upon Animal, dominoes (we have these dinosaur dominoes), and Twister. I would love to get him some 30-50 piece puzzles!
- Outdoor toys. Scooters are daily use items in our house! We have a Micro Maxi and a smaller Primo Globber; they’re both good scooters. Bikes, pogo sticks, unicycles… the list of possibilities is endless.
- Nature exploration gear. A kit like this would get good use for an outdoorsy boy.
- Toys that travel. I’m always looking for toys we can take when we go out for coffee, to family or friends’ houses, etc. Magnetic “building” kits would be perfect for outings.
- Room decor. My oldest is moving to his own room next year, so we’re thinking about what he’ll need to feel cozy in there. In addition to the basics, like a new bed, a lamp, etc–a cozy place to read/relax, like a kid-sized armchair or beanbag. Also, wall art!
- Gear for upcoming sports seasons. This winter our oldest is taking his first ski lessons, so he’ll need a base layer for the slopes. Think skates, soccer cleats, balls, a gear bag, etc.
Gift Guides from the Past
But in the case that you’re shopping for someone who isn’t a little boy, I’ve shared plenty of gift ideas ub the past that I’ll link below. In addition to these 4-year-old boy gift ideas, we have:
- Thoughtful Gift Ideas for Men
- Thoughtful Gift Ideas for Women
- Gift Ideas for Pregnancy & Postpartum
- Crunchy-ish Gifts for Toddlers (I’m planning to update this one soon, so stay tuned!)
- And for the bookworm in your life, 17 Self-Care Books to Nourish the Soul
But tell me, have you started your Christmas shopping yet? I haven’t actually purchased anything despite lots of browsing–the bargainista in me wants to wait for Black Friday sales (whilst the anti-big-business consumer in me cringes) 😛
xx Claire