This is random, but then again, so are most things I post on my blog these days. But does anyone else actually NOT like the heat? It’s hit 90 for the past couple of days here and I am miserable. Anything over 75 is pretty much too hot for me.
While I can’t get enough of cold, ice, and snow–you’ll find me out for a walk every day, bundled up appropriately of course–I have been practically hidden inside since this heat wave hit. Some people in the winter carefully chart the shortest courses from their house, to their car, to work, to the store, back home again for the evening. They spend as little time outside as possible in cold. That’s me, but in the summer.
E is on the plane home from closing up our apartment in California right now, and I just asked him: is it possible to be a reverse-snowbird? (For anyone who doesn’t know what that means, a “snowbird” is someone who lives in a cold northern climate like MN but has a winter home in a southern state like Florida. A popular choice for retired people.) Can I get a job that allows me to migrate to the Arctic Circle from May to October?
Currently I’m feeling quite relieved that our honeymoon is in Calgary this winter, instead of somewhere tropical this summer. I loved visiting Hawaii a couple of years ago but pretty much spent all of my time in the ocean, the pool by our villa, or air-conditioning as it was so hot and humid outside. Fun to visit (especially since we got to see Kilauea before the eruption), but I’m generally not a tropical vacation kind of girl.
I’m also searching for cheap flights to Scandinavia this fall for our week off. Because like I said above, my dream vacation is basically Antarctica. Not sure if it’s my northern European heritage or what (I’m about half-Irish and pale as heck) but I am 100000000x happier in the cold.
And I’m looking at property for sale in Finnish Lapland because pleeeeeeeease get me out of here. So cheap and so (literally) cool. The high temperature for one small town up there today is 50, with overnight lows in the 30s. I am insanely jealous.
This being said, I do love living in a place that has all the seasons. Knowing that each season is limited makes me cherish it all the more. But it is unnaturally hot here right now and it’s not predicted to cool off anytime soon. (Thanks a bunch, climate change!! But oh, I forgot, climate change is actually natural and sea levels rising is totally due to rocks falling into the ocean, very scientific, such credible source, much evidence, wow… Okay, okay, I’ll stop being snarky now.)
Anyways I want to know: do I have any fellow cold weather fans out there? What’s your favorite season/weather? And what’s your dream vacation currently, if money were no object?