The holidays are busy enough for everyone. Then you have kids, and 97% of December is spent putting on jackets and boots, packing up snacks and sitting in the car rushing from activity to activity. By the time January arrives, it feels like you’ve completely missed the holidays with all of the busyness.
So what’s a parent of littles to do?!
Here are our best tips for making the most of the holiday season with little kids. And by “the most,” I don’t mean “cramming in as many festivities as humanely possible.” I mean how to really enjoy the beauty and peace of the season, whilst still attending the events that are important to you.
Our Tips for a Peaceful Holiday with Kids
- Plan for down time. Pencil it into your planner if you need to. If you have the school Christmas play one night, plan to enjoy a relaxed hot chocolate by the tree the next. If you have a full festive Saturday, plan to potter around reading and wrapping presents on Sunday. Slowing down allows you to be present and soak in the magic of the holidays, so prioritize and plan to relax!
- When possible, spread out commitments. I learned this the hard way a few years ago. We went from Christmas morning with my mom, straight into a video call with my dad/Italian stepfamily, to lunch, to a video call with my in-laws… wayyy too much back-to-back. After that I did NOT feel like heading straight to the kitchen to start Christmas dinner! Now we try to spread out not just the Christmas celebrations themselves, but also concerts, church services, etc so that we’re not too burnt out to enjoy the later ones.
- Say no to things that don’t bring joy. This goes hand in hand with the first two tips. It’s okay if you don’t attend every concert, service, market, or party. Pick the ones that are suited to your family situation and abilities right now (here’s our to-do list from last year for inspiration). And leave the rest (and the guilt). Your family’s health and happiness are the top priority.
- Relax on the food front. My oldest memorably ate one slice of ham, one cherry tomato and nine Christmas cookies for Christmas dinner last year. And you know what? That’s totally okay. Christmas is one day a year–heck, December is one month out of twelve. Load up on the healthy stuff when you can, but breathing down your family’s necks about nutrition isn’t going to make for a fun holidays. Let yourself relax and enjoy a treat!
- Respect bedtimes, with some flexibility. For super special occasions, pushing bedtime an hour or two later is fine. But do that every night in December and you might be a cranky parent to cranky kids. There will be a time for concerts, late night restaurant meals and moonlit strolls–and it’s okay if that time isn’t now. It isn’t selfish to prioritize your kids’ (and your) sleep over other activities.
- Simplify gift-giving. Some people say no to any gifts exchanged between adults these days, which might work for your family. Since it doesn’t work for our extended families, we stick to exchanging consumable treats for the adults and toys for the kids. This year my plans are hit up the local nature arts&crafts fair, make granola/candy/spiced nuts, and work with the kids on some handmade crafts. That’s it! No shopping for the perfect item for this or that person. If family gift-giving is stressful for you, think about how you can make it simpler.
What About You?
How are you guarding your peaceful moments with your kids this holiday season? I’d love to hear your tips in the comments!
xx Claire