This weekend was a low-key but productive one, so I’m dropping in to share what we got up to!
On Saturday afternoon, we took little E for his first “big boy” haircut at Kids’ Hair. They made quick work of his curls and now he’s freshly trimmed for a while! He enjoyed the kid-sized barbershop chairs and getting a sticker afterwards š
Last night I couldĀ notĀ sleep. I didn’t fall asleep until midnight, woke up at 4am for an hour and popped out of bed at 6:48am when I heard the kids chatting.
Somehow the lack of sleep didn’t mean exhaustion, and I whipped up a quick batch of blueberry white chocolate muffins after breakfast to take to a friend’s new house. Basically I just sub half the blueberries in the recipe for white chocolate chips. I haven’t met a person who doesn’t like them yet!
We spent the morning at said friend’s house, chatting and playing blocks with the boys.
After lunch the kids went down for their naps and Eric and I plotted out our productive week off. We have errands, cleaning and summer house projects to plan. We also got our payroll set up for the new nanny.
AndĀ we finished booking accommodation and car rental for Oahu next month. I’m so excited to relax on the beach and watch one of my favorite people get married!
This evening I’m planning on trying a new super-simple recipe for dinner, baking a chocolate cake and working on our mountain of dirty laundry.
Tell me, what did you get up to this weekend? Any exciting plans for the coming week?
xx Claire