Want to know more about the food industry and its environmental impact, but don’t know where to start? There’s a mind-boggling array of literature out there right now that purports to be giving you the straight story about the stuff in your grocery cart–but that literature isn’t all created equal. From diet books to documentaries, from Instagrammers to independent studies, where’s a food industry newbie to start?
Well, literature about the food industry–and really just about food in general–is my genre of choice. It started my sophomore year of high school, when I picked up a copy of Animal, Vegetable, Miracle to read for a class project. But that book totally hooked me. What I learned about the food industry, and about how far removed I was from the food I ate, from those three hundred-some pages ignited a passion inside of me that I didn’t know existed. I had to know more.… Read More »