Does anyone else have a really, really hard time getting rid of books? They’re like old friends; even if I know I’ll never read one again, it’s so hard to part with. Plus, you fall down the rabbit hole of opening them as you sort and getting sucked into the story again. Although I finally decluttered the bookshelf in my room a few months ago, my mom still has boxes upon boxes of my old kids’ and teens’ books in her basement that I need to go through at some point. Progress, not perfection, right? … Read More »
Wedding Update: One Year to Go!
As of last Friday, we are officially one year out from our wedding day! (Does that make it our -1st anniversary? Not sure.) We’ve been engaged for almost three months and that time has flown, as I’m sure it will between now and our wedding. Today I thought I’d give you a little update as to where we’re at in the planning process. Personally, I’ve always loved reading about other bloggers’ wedding planning and all of their wedding details, and it will be fun for me to look back and see what was happening in our lives one year out.
I’ve also included a few more pictures that my dear friend (and bridesmaid) L took the day we got engaged. But if you’re not interested in weddings, feel free to skip this post and I’ll be back on Thursday with more green living tips!… Read More »
The Ultimate Sustainable Agriculture Reading List
Want to know more about the food industry and its environmental impact, but don’t know where to start? There’s a mind-boggling array of literature out there right now that purports to be giving you the straight story about the stuff in your grocery cart–but that literature isn’t all created equal. From diet books to documentaries, from Instagrammers to independent studies, where’s a food industry newbie to start?
Well, literature about the food industry–and really just about food in general–is my genre of choice. It started my sophomore year of high school, when I picked up a copy of Animal, Vegetable, Miracle to read for a class project. But that book totally hooked me. What I learned about the food industry, and about how far removed I was from the food I ate, from those three hundred-some pages ignited a passion inside of me that I didn’t know existed. I had to know more.… Read More »
How to Declutter Your Closet for Good
Happy Tuesday! Long time, no chat. I had a couple of blog posts planned for last week, but this one had to be postponed to deal with more pressing technical blog issues. My absolute least favorite part of blogging, to be quite honest with you. Thankfully, those are (mostly) resolved and I can get back to posting!… Read More »
What is Minimalism? + Reasons to Go Minimalist
What do you think of when someone says the word minimalism? A year ago, I thought that minimalism meant wearing a capsule wardrobe made of clothes that weren’t my style, only owning some arbitrary number of possessions, or living in a tiny house with blank white walls, no furniture and three succulents. If you had asked me if I considered myself a minimalist, I would have answered no.
However, after watching Minimalism: A Documentary last winter (which I highly recommend!), I changed my mind. And if you currently think that minimalism is simply about capsule wardrobes and empty rooms, then this post is for you. It’s the first in a series about the what, why, and how of minimalism to encourage those at any point along their minimalist journey. In this first post, we’ll talk about what minimalism really is, why E and I became minimalists, and why it might be a good choice for you, too. … Read More »